Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Arun and his SARE!

Congratulations to Arun, who just found out he was awarded a graduate student SARE grant to investigate legume cover crop root contributions in organic systems. Way to go, Arun!

Time to dress up

One of our lab members, Mary, got married on August 11 in Asheville, NC. Congratulations Mary and Bon!

We went there to celebrate but just seeing a tractor there we felt like we need to represent the lab somehow.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Global Food Security Summer Institute

I recently attended the inaugural Global Food Security Summer Institute at Purdue University. The program was organized by Dr. Gebisa Ejeta, a world-renowned sorghum breeder and winner of the 2009 World Food Prize. Dr. Ejeta is a remarkable man and spending time with him was a great honor. The program consisted of a series of lectures, practicums, group projects, and field trips related to issues pertinent in the study of food security. The extension of appropriate technologies and agricultural trade policy were heavily discussed. The program will occur again next year and I highly recommend it for individuals interested in global food security.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Congratulations, Erika!

One of our own, Erika Larsen, was just offered a position at the Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Water as an Oak Ridge Institute of Science and Education Fellow. She will be working at the Office of Wetlands, Oceans and Watersheds conducting research activities related to the environmental impact of non-point source pollution. Way to go, Erika!